OP Professional's Product Lines
Supplying professional grade products for industrial and commercial applications.
Pro Power | Heavy Duty Degreaser
Use the exclusive blend of powerful non-ionic surfactants and other cleaning agents in Pro Power to safely and thoroughly clean any surface.
Coil Power | Hi-Performance Coil Cleaner
Use the exclusive blend of powerful non-ionic surfactants and other cleaning agents in Coil Power to safely and thoroughly clean evaporator coils, condenser coils and other finned heating and cooling units.
Pure Power Marine | Sanitation Treatment
With BioBlastPlus odor control technology, Pure Power Marine is the most advanced sanitation treatment available on the market today. This biological formulation is recommended for use in all marine sanitation and sewage treatment systems.
Micro Power | Deodorizer & Cleaner
Micro Power is a specially formulated mixture of bacteria, enzymes and cleaners that is designed to clean and deodorize toilet bowls, urinals and floor surfaces, while enhancing bacterial activity in plumbing and sanitation systems.
Sulf-Out | Hydrogen Sulfide Remover
Patented technology designed to break down Hydrogen Sulfide and other organo-sulfur compounds. This safe and biodegradable formula will completely breakdown sulfur compounds in air, water and/or hydrocarbon mixtures.
Detect-a-Leak | Air/Gas Leak Detector
Detects leaks in any pressurized air or gas system. Simply spray on and look for bubbles. This non-corrosive formula is safe to use on all surfaces.